My frind and i rent A house from renters warehouse in gilbert and the house was filty and we almost have no water in the house the toilet could not flush and we have been contacting the management for fixing it since of october 2014 and they just avoid us over and over again we have one of the toilet over flow and we call and report it and ask for someone to come take care of it and it took two week after we send a second message before they send some one who took picture and leave and never come back then we call again and ask they said they cant do anything for us .we have all the request we send and they still have not fix any thing there is not enough water in the house I call the city of gilbert and they confirm it is the house have problem for the water when we look up the house history we find no one live there more than three month so there is a problem and renters warehouse is the worse management I ever see they put my friend in the hospital with heart attack we filally move out