i am just happy that lush finally made it to cleveland, yeah.. i may watch all of my money fly right out the window but any time i am having a super craptacular day i know that lush will undo all of that and i can pretty much walk into the place, choose anything with my eyes closed and be doing cartwheels over it in about five minutes. it does crack me up that so many salespeople work in a store the size of a closet and that may have something to do with the in-your-face-ness factor.. but on more than a few occasions i came home to find that my bag was full of little samples obtained simply by being nice and friendly. take the time to sign up for the online updates, they have all kinds of theme "parties" and specials and contests, i won about $1000 worth of soap last summer and even got a discount because it was my birthday that month. when there choose something big and when you get it home, break it up and use it. one of my favorite things is the "comforter" bubble bath bar.. easily good for about 8-10 baths. also the solid shampoos are worth every penny.