Woo- how professional! I had to travel to Toronto for business last week and while having a chit chat with a client we had "lady's talk" where she talked so highly of Dr. Hanna and Dr. Schachter. She recommended them so highly to me that I figured it would not harm to get a consultation on my skin issues. i called in and got an appointment rather quickly and than was greeted very friendly by the front desk. Dr. Hanna took the time to listen to my worries about my skin issues and than showed me a few solutions he can do and explained each one of them. Not once did i feel pressured or their prices are more then fair compare t what I would pay down here in Florida. Since i will be in Toronto more often I have scheduled several appointments already to start my treatment. Next time I will meet with Dr. Schachter to have a consultation regarding my psoriasis.
Both thumbs up for being friendly, timely, quickly and experts in their fields! I can't find such a professional level down where I live as here they are more specialized on a certain skin tones it seems. Not in this practice!