lets see. where to begin.... i have a 2016 honda fit and i have spent over $60 on past oil changes but this time i just wanted to get the basic. I had a coupon for 19.99 and i wanted to use it. The first gentleman who greeted me took my info etc. when I told them what i wanted -again what they advertise and he was very persistent that thats not okay for the car and i have to sign a waiver and so on and so on. Then he said "okay im going to give youvsynthetic oil and a $15 coupon which brings the total to $40. Again i said no. I thought that was the end of it...
I go back to the waiting area. Mind you theres nobody else there... Zac the manager comes in and says "my assistant said you only want the basic and i want to warn you..." seriously!? i said please im fine. He gave me attitude about it. Not normal attitude and then slammed the door. i was honestly blown away and called my husband shaking. In the end they didnt charge me the $26. The assistant walked me out to tell me this. And its the only reason i gave one star. While im thankful for the free oil change its not worth my blood pressure going up like that right before i move. A lot of these chains advertise one thibg and then try to upsell you on the spot. I had just never experienced something quite like this.
Update. After 300 miles of driving I just received a notification that my oil life is 15 percent. Even though they put a sticker on my car saying service isn't due for 5,000 more miles. My husband and I are pulling over to add oil. I AM BLOWN AWAY these guys would put customers in harms way knowing I was driving across the United States. Beware!