I originally gave this business 5 stars just to give a new business owner a break, but I can't defend her anymore. The business owner is a hot mess. Keep an eye on your bank account because she will charge you for services you have not gotten. I got my lashes put on by Jill who was amazing. I tolerated the owner as long as I had Jill. When I booked my last appt I made it clear that I had to have Jill. When I arrived I learned that Jill was not there. The owner stated that Jill was on vacation, but she could not state when Jill would be back. Basically, it sounds like Jill got smart and quit. I asked the owner why she didn't tell me that Jill was not there when I clearly asked for her. I was told that I needed to give the new lady a chance.
The owner appears to be mentally unstable. She can barely get a sentence out and her comments are all over the lace. To make matters worse, she has an identical twin now helping her run the business and they act the same.
This business will shut down....just a matter of time. I feel that it is my duty as a citizen and a good samaritan to contact the BBB and maybe even the FDA.
Read "About The Business". The owner is defending the business in a way that validates much of what is being said here.