We watched the show at 4pm during Christmas break. Used the Groupon 2 for $69.
- Show up an hour early to get the tickets. Have someone wait in line while you're waiting in line to get the tickets for efficiency :)
- Upgrade to VIP for 50% off at the Box office.
- Open seating. Center front 3 rows reserved for VIP. Our show was sold out
- 7 performers: Juggling host, louri and nikoli, rhythmic gymnast, aerial expressions, YMCA, Magician, Mo5iac.
- Juggling host: "w&w's and knows french!" funny man. Lots of trophies.
- Louri and Nikoli: Balancing guys. Lots of strength. openers! Neck of steel!
- Gymnast: Lots of hula hoops, very flexible. Nice to watch. O-la-la!
- YMCA: 3 midgets singing! SO entertaining! :)
- Magician: Birds popping everywhere! Really scrutinize this guy! He's amazing
- Mo5iac. Human band! Cool bass and funky drummer!
- Interactive show! BOOOM CAAAA! LOL.
- Worth every penny! 1hour long. Watch it with the kids! make sure you have a good seat or else you'll have someone's big hair in the way :)