Well... I just got off of work wanting to get some yummy Thrifty ice-cream which I normally do at least once a week! I walked in and went straight to the ice cream section deciding on my choices. There was one register open with the clerk standing right there staring at me with no other customers in the store! After making eye contact a couple times with NO exchanged words, I walked to the register and asked if I can order ice cream. The clerk said he had the "flu" and said to buy the freezer ice cream instead (mind you, which is a couple bucks MORE than the thrifty ice cream)! Smh! He then says he already "coughed/sneezed a couple times by the ice cream and the germs are probably still over there..." REALLY!????? I mean, I was fine with him having the FLU, but coughing/sneezing around open food!?!!! NO DISGUSTING AND UNSANITARY!!!!