| - Hi, my name is Cathy Crazypants and I'm a Nike and Lululemon addict.
I was in the area and I honestly wasn't expecting to buy more gym clothes or shoes - like I need more. But I do stalk their website at least every week to check the latest stuff and items on sale. So, when I saw this building from where I was at - I was hypnotized and I just couldn't stop myself. I got there 30 minutes before they opened which is at 10am. I was ogling some colorful pants and tops on their window display. Significant damage will be done, I could feel it!
I attempted to open the door again at 9:55am - it was unlocked! I was greeted by the sales associates and I felt like I was just floating - moving from one rack to another; browsing and grabbing shirts, tank tops, pants, sports bras, shoes and accessories. Colors, prints...I just went on autopilot with a freaky smile on my face. A sales associate took my shopping bag and shoe boxes to the counter for me as my hands could no longer grab more stuff.
I was mighty impressed by how organized everything was, especially the shoes. Everything was perfectly aligned, stacked and placed in appropriate shelves. People with OCD must work here and I love it!
I've been looking for a pair of all black running shoes, red shoes, blue tank top for months - they have them all! It was just meant to be. Some styles are from 8 months ago and there are some that are still relatively current. But I don't know anybody else who's as obsessed about gym clothes and shoes as I am so buying the most current style doesn't matter. They're nice, they fit, BUY!
I ended up with 5 tank tops, a shirt and 2 pairs of shoes for only $243! That's definitely a steal! I found a pair of capris I bought at Niketown for $120 last year, they have them for $50!