| - I love this chic clinic, sometimes it is crazy busy but with exception to one minor issue (snooty receptionist) I have to say that I am quite happy with the overall service and eye doctors here.
I followed Dr. Schmidt from Centre Street, and find him to the point, quick and efficient, he is quite old so knows his stuff. Having said that the younger guys are not too shabby either. Dr. Riesner diagnosed my little guy with a severe eye condition and thanks to him, we got to a specialist pretty quick! He is "pretty" easy on the eyes too, so that's a nice little extra! :) And he is great with kids, as such, is my kids doctor.
I have waited a while on one occasion but for the most part they are on time with their appointments and they do take in emergencies so that could contribute to the wait times.
The one thing that knocks them down a star is their prices for their glasses and sunglasses, I paid MUCHO DINERO for a pair of Fendi's here that I found somewhere else for about 40% less, I was mad at first but it was my own fault for not doing my due diligence on pricing beforehand. It sucks to have no benefits, but I do love my new specs!
Their sales girls for the most part are pleasant, helpful and knowledgeable, plus they DO NOT work on commission which is nice. One receptionist gave me attitude on the phone when I had a question regarding something on an invoice, turns out she was not even qualified to be answering anything pertaining to invoicing and the issue was cleared up, but other than that, I give them a solid A!
(or a crystal clear, E F P T O Z....)!