My friends and I were treated terribly when we went to just have a good time. Some woman apparently had a table that was VIP we had no idea that the whole table was taken. So I nicely said that's fine go get up. And she said to me " Your going to get your sassy white ass up now!" I was very taken back and very offended and probably is said a few words I shouldn't have. Later on I was cornered by a manager or so she said in the bathroom. Which I found odd, so I ask or I tried to ask the lady that had the problem why would she not come to me first and asking whatever she needed to ask me instead of sending an Entourage. Long story short this woman have had it out for me and my friend the whole time as soon as we got there and management did not help at all. It was a terrible experience they never gave us a chance to talk before they physically put my friend in a Full Nelson and manhandled her like a rag doll all for trying to ask somebody a question. Out of control. I really like this place I thought it was cool I would never ever go there again not after this