First time in this building. Very pleasant atmosphere. Less crowded than a couple of other buildings I've been to. Appointment wait was relatively short - 30 mins.
Actually, it was 30 mins in the waiting room, and 15 mins in the Dr's office, but that's still okay. Good magazines lol.
The Dr's assistant was very friendly and clear.
This might sound like I'm a little nuts, but I thought it was cool that they used the old-fashioned blood pressure armband (with the squeeze pump and stethoscope), not the machine.
They also checked my temperature the old-fashioned way - under my tongue (get you mind out of the gutter.)
I really like my doctor. I might take a morning jog with wet hair, just to give me a reason to see her again.
Everyone was very professional.
I'll wait and see if my prescription helps, before I bump them up to 5-stars.