| - This incident happened several years back. My first time there, they gave me a really good discount on my tires, so I began going to them regularly, thinking they were trustworthy. A few visits later, I brought my car in for maintenance, and they told me something in my car was broken and it would cost approximately $600 to replace it. I was suspicious about what they said because while I was waiting, I overheard a phone conversation the staff had about money issues. I said that I would have to do the fix another day and left the store. I called other mechanics and found out they would charge about $400 to fix whatever was supposedly broken. I ended up bringing my car to a different mechanic, and that mechanic told me they couldn't find anything wrong with my car. It's been years and I've not had to pay huge sums of money to make any major fixes on my car yet, so the staff at Ron's were definitely lying. They are not trustworthy. They tried to solve whatever money issue they had by charging me $600 for an unnecessary fix.
They are good to first-time customers, and then once they gain the customers' trust, they start being dishonest. You can see in other reviews that most positive reviewers seem like first-time customers. If you look at one of the hidden negative reviews in Yelp (hidden due to Yelp's software), there was another customer who had a similar experience as me.