| - Traditionally I stop in here on Christmas Eve with friends every year, been doing so for more than a decade. I live a fair distance away. I have always purchased something on each visit. I really try to support the brick-and-mortar underdogs. But, my recent experience definitely compels me to step up my support game and visit more frequently.
Others have commented that the store is clean - Sure is. Great and knowledgeable staff - Check! Seems to have EVERYTHING - Sure does. And I have to add that GD is also brightly lit and organized as well.
When we stopped in a few days ago, 12/24/2017, we were immediately greeted with a friendly "Hello" and a strange, but totally accurate, explanation and recommendation for a game called Happy Salmon. These both came from Patty, one of the owners. I was impressed. You see, there are some store owners that totally get that the only edge they have over the Internet Blitz is customer service. These guys totally get it. And excel in it. You are immersed in it as you walk in. Refreshing and amazing.
Then my friends wanted to buy a game for a future get together. I asked Patty to advise us. After enthusiastic, detailed, and patient assistance on all our inquiries, we selected one of the many recommended Pandemic versions.
Here's the deal: yeah, you might get a slight bit of an edge buying online, but you'll be missing out on the true value of a local store. At Game Depot you'll get personalized customer service with spot-on recommendations and perhaps begin building relationships that pay off in many many happy gaming experiences in the future.
I met Dave at the register. He sure seems chock full of awesome just like Patty.
Stop in. Talk to the nice people. Be astonished by the customer service. Immerse yourself in the local gaming store experience.
You mileage may vary... but I'm confident it will be awesome as well. Just maybe, way more amazing than mine.
We played Happy Salmon for hours on Christmas day and had a blast... and perhaps lost a few pounds or at least staved off some new pounds. There's really no adequate way to express how much joy Patty's recommendation added to the Christmas at my home. It's almost as much fun to spectate as to play. None of us will ever forget it. The game comes with unreserved recommendation. In fact, my wife and I are headed in to Game Depot tomorrow. We'll buy more sets of Happy Salmon. One to give to our daughter as she returns to college, and a few more to gift happiness to our friends.
We bought:
2 - Dice of Crowns
1 - Kittens In A Blender
3 - Happy Salmon
1 - Happy Salmon (Blue)
and a set of dice.
Let the fun begin