| - We were only in Montreal for three full days (the half days that included travel don't count in my mind), yet there are two restaurants that we frequented twice. The things they have in common? Delicious [insert item here], terrible service.
So, Les 3 Brasseurs was a random stop. We were wandering the beautiful cobbled streets when we realized we were hungry. We started to incorporate menu perusing into our wandering, and the menu here caught our eye, not only for the food (which was blessedly lacking in the poutine arena), but also for the beer.
We chose to sit outside, which probably wasn't very smart. The patio is small, and they squeeze way more tables and chairs out there than is advised. I watched several couples in the aisle next to us passive-aggressively bumping chairs into the patrons at the table behind them. It wasn't the customer's fault, really. The restaurant should have known better than to try to fit 30 tables and chairs into a space that could only really fit 20 on a good day.
At any rate, both times that we stopped here, we chose to sit outside. I do love to people watch. I found the waitstaff to be lacking on both occasions, but what the heck - we were there for the booze.
My husband absolutely fell in love with their L'Ambree (American amber/red ale) - it was the only thing he ordered on both visits. Meanwhile, I wanted to try as much as I could, so I started with the Brune (brown), then moved on to the Blanche (white), before trying the seasonal brew, the Summer Fresh Raspberry Ale.
Wow, that makes me sound like a lush. I'll have you know this was over the course of two visits, thank you. I'm just not divulging how many of each beer I tried. =)
The Blanche was by far my favorite. It was smooth, with a light citrus flavor. It wasn't an overly wheaty wheat beer, if that makes sense. I don't know how else to describe it. The Brune was also very good - it had a deep, nutty flavor without being too heavy or having too overpowering a finish. My least favorite was the raspberry ale. I did like it, but not nearly as much as the other two. I had expected an overpowering raspberry (or at least sweet) flavor, but it never came through. That might be good - I would expect a raspberry flavor to dominate the beer itself - but I was looking for at least a hint of sweet or raspberry. It was, however, a very light and refreshing beer, perfect for a hot and sunny day on the patio.
Both times we went, we went light on the food ordering. Our first time there, we shared the charcuterie platter and an order of the beer mussels. It took for-freaking-EVER for the food to get to us. We were both on our second beer by the time the plates hit our table (and feeling it, too...or maybe that was just me?)
While the food was decent, it certainly did not make sense that we waited over 40 minutes for a small board of meat and cheese and a plate of mussels. To add to the mild frustrations (mild because I was tipsy by then), the waitress never once came by to check on us, or to give us an update on our food. Not that I needed a play-by-play, but knowing that our food wasn't forgotten would have been nice.
Our second time there, our waiter coldly told us that we'd have to order something to eat if we wanted to stay on the outdoor patio - apparently you couldn't just drink beer out there. That was fine, as we were once again planning on a light snack, but he absolutely could have phrased in a nicer tone of voice.
That time, we each ordered a Caesar salad, which again took much longer to come out than I would have expected. I also never expected to get bacon on my Caesar. I should have read the menu a bit closer, I guess. I love bacon, it just was not what I was banking on when I placed that order, so ever piece of bacon from my plate ended up on my husband's. He was in heaven.
So yeah - service not so great, but that beer, though! My husband still says that if they exported that amber, he'd buy it by the case. I kind of feel the same way about the Blanche.