Diceman!!! What happened??
You have the energy, the biker attire, and the attention of all those little kids who loved you in your prime and are now old enough to see you in Vegas. And you have my money ~$100/ticket for good seats (Vinyl in Vegas).
But, your routine is dated and too scripted. Your references aren't funny now. Really, you are going to poke fun at fancy Starbucks drinks in 2014? Come on, that is so 10 years ago.
Might also suggest losing the opening act. She is too much like a younger and female version of you who doesn't have the right delivery. She even told some of the same jokes.
Yeah, you still rock out the nursery rhymes, and you have a great delivery of some kick ass jokes. But man, freshen up your act, make it a little longer, and interact with the audience like you actually mean it. You will pack the house!