Have been coming the last couple weeks about 3 days a week but every once in awhile before that. Noticed how hot it was in the store, figured it was the fresh bread being baked in the oven. Came back in a few more times to notice the same thing... Asked the young lady who was helping me why it was so hot? She responded with "Yeah, the A/C has been broken for the last week or so and the owner tried fixing it but it's still broken" well that makes sense since I was sweating bullets the week before and again today. Told her how crummy for her that she has to work in that heat and she just nodded... Well I went to the restroom and it was really cool and nice (minus the two small black bugs on the floor and empty hand towels)... Noticed a second thermostat on the wall towards the back of the restaurant and realized there was 2 A/C thermostats... So while the workers are good in the back of the store the customers in the front are sweating bullets and the owner doesn't want to fix since the back is working for his employees. You lost me as a customer and I'll be letting everyone know. Just horrible