i applaud Point G for the sheer vastness of their macaron display, so enticing with all the magical flavors and trippy colors. i wanted to sit among the many macarons and build colorful macaron snowmen: 3 'rons stacked and then shoveled into my mouth.
i got a box of 6 for $9 canadian. the coffee was my favorite, salted caramel wasn't as unusual tasting as i thought it'd be and was too normal, and the bright purple currant fruit flavored 'ron was terrible. but maybe because i don't like currant--i didn't know that until i tried the macaron. now i know.
i took off a star because i like my macarons to have a thin light crispy exterior with a really soft and slightly chewy center. these were kind of soft all over.
regardless, next time i'm in montreal, i wanna try every flavor. every flavor BUT currant.