One star is due to the Waitress from HELL! This is my second time eating there. The first time I ate there Jacqueline the waitress was Bitchy but, this time she was a Royal Bitch!! When she was on break, a co-worker took our order. I asked him for Yuca Fries a la cart. He said OK that will be $2.50. We waited 20 minutes then Jacqueline brought the Pork combo plate with Yuca fries. I told her that's not what I ordered. She replied in a very rude manner and said "Do you want it or not?" Because that is the only way I could get the Yuca fries. I said go get the gentleman that took my order. She replied "I am the waitress, "do you want it or not". I asked to speak to the manager, then she brings out a cook from the back that does not speak English. Then I requested the gentleman that took my order. I asked if he would translate to the so called "Manager" which I don't believe she really was the manager, and he did. The Manager said "OK" she was going to honor that order. Well, Jacqueline took the Manager in the back and manipulated the outcome of her decision. Jacqueline came back to me to say the same thing. "Do you want it or not" and would not honor my order. Any who, needless to say, I refuse the pork combo plate. It was amazing to me that Jacqueline went out of her way to create a bad experience rather than defusing the situation. This waitress has the worse people skill or customer service I have ever encountered from a waitress. Rude beyond belief. I told her I was going to give her a bad Yelp review and she said in her sassy voice, go right ahead. I wonder how the owner feels about her horrible attitude and tarnishing the reputation of their restaurant? I would love to hear from the owners. I would never let someone like her work for me!! BAD FOR BUSINESS.