| - If this review was based solely on the final product, this business gets a 5-star; the men did a phenomenal job with the vehicle repair. They even did some paint touch ups that I greatly appreciate.
However, there were a few bumps down the road encountered that made the experience unpleasant. Let me just start off by saying that Leslie and Dave were great, very good people. The reason for the 3 star would be the length of final completion. I brought the car in the day after the accident, Aug 24 for an estimate. I was given the option to either leave the car there or take it home and bring it back later. However, it was mentioned to me that the exhaust pipe pushed the metal bar back so there may be (which there was) some internal damage. Also, the bumper was hanging on the road and grinding the streets, I'm sure that leaving it there at facility was the right choice.
My vehicle did have aftermarket spoilers that were discontinued, so they gave me the option of either finding one similar to it OR taking a deductible allowance for appearance. However, my insurance adjustor had said that the other party involved in the accident will pay for the deductible. Plus, I just wanted my vehicle to look as close to what it was.
I was informed that the aftermarket spoiler that was ordered was sent to the wrong location so it would cause some delays but the car was completed with that exception. I asked when the spoiler would come in and get sorted out and installed and they would always give me a 3 to 5 day estimate on when it would be done. I called many times asking for a time of completion and it would always get pushed back. Long story short, it took a total of 45-47 days for the vehicle to be fully completed.
-2 Stars for Time of Completion.