It had long been a dream of The Rob to open his very open Cheba Hut near GCC. When we recently found out that someone had beaten him to it, he was a bit sad but also excited for the now close proximity of his favorite herbal-themed eatery. This location is located in a strip mall along with a Circle K, tattoo parlor and Trails. (If you're familiar with the area, Trails took over the large space once occupied by the nudie bar and Cheba Hut took over the old Trails space.)
Whether you're a big ol' stoner or a sober square like myself you'll enjoy the tasty sandwiches with funny names. We even took The Rob's parents for a visit so that his conservative, vegetarian mom and his formerly-tie-die-wearing dad could enjoy the goodness, which they most certainly did.
Only complaints:
1) Pepsi products instead of Coke
2) As stated before, the toasting does take a little while, so you have to wait a little bit for them to bring your sandwich to the topping bar.
3) Lacking in chip selection. I mean, c'mon, you run an establishment themed around the chronic and you don't offer BAKED chips?