We have been visiting Magic Forest for years and one of the reasons why we go there is making photo with Santa Claus. We wanted this to become a yearly tradition!.
But this year they changed company responsible for photo shooting with Santa..
This year one LOW quality photo with Santa cost 17 $ and additional photos are 8 $. And most important thing is : You can not make one photo with your camera !! You are not allowed to do that.
My camera is 10x better then theirs and yet they told us we can not use it.
I told them I will pay for doing my own photo,even more then 17 $,everything should go to charity anyway,and they said no!
Other thing is, their camera focus only on Santa,with red background,without taking anything around,like christmass tree etc.
If I want take photo with Santa like that I can go anywhere, from shopping mall to walmart...
I dont know why they are doing that,if everything goes to good cause then why dont take my cash and let me do my photo?
Photo they did is so low quality that after scanning it on my PC looks like something done in 80`s.
Everything else is ok, stuff is very nice and our children had fun.