| - I came here with my dad despite my allergies. . . To high places. I realize it's not actually an allergy, but my heart rate goes up and I sweat like I'm having a reaction even just at the thought of being at such a height, so it may as well be. It literally took me about an hour, maybe two to muster up enough courage to get on a damned ride as we were there killing time at the bar, but I managed to do it.
In general, I don't like the sensation of falling so Big Shot and SkyJump were immediately crossed off my list. Spinning makes me sick, as if the height wasn't doing that to me already, so Insanity was also out. That left the X-Scream ride, which is almost like being on a roller-coaster mounted onto a seesaw, the only thing I could barely be persuaded to do.
I was on the Stratosphere's observation deck watching group after group of people ride the ride, and even had some alcohol, but nothing I saw made me feel any better. I even watched my dad get on the ride. All I could do was do my best to hold back tears. It was THAT bad. The only thing worse was the guilt of having my dad wait so long to see me ride it, so that's when I finally climbed up those fateful steps to the boarding platform and hold tight onto something. ANYTHING.
The girl who strapped me in was talking me through it the whole time, but I had to tell her I didn't want to talk. I was too petrified. And what's worse, I had waited so long to board the X-Scream that by the time I did, I was literally the only person on it. It was now or never, so I just surrendered to my fate.
The platform tilted forward. Then backward. Forward again. Then backward. Then forward again one more time. Before I knew it, I was already back at the terminal standing on solid but still hollow ground. When I saw the same girl again, I just gave her a hug and apologized for earlier.
Vegas is a place to really enjoy yourself, but I had no idea I'd also be conquering one of my fears. Fortunately, logic told me that the statistical odds of an accident occurring while I was on the ride was incredibly miniscule considering the number of times this ride is operated on a daily basis, so that may have ultimately been my comfort. I don't think I'll ever do it again, but for all you thrill seekers out there with a much more solid stomach than mine, I highly recommend getting the $34 Tower Admission and All Day Unlimited Rides package. Individually, the rides are $15 plus the required tower admission.
Check out their website for details and up-to-date prices for the rides here: