2.5 STARS: Took our dog, Buddy in for grooming and requested Torie. She did a wonderful job and we were very pleased. This 2-star rating in no way reflects her work.
Issues came at checkout. We had just received a Happy Birthday to Buddy email from Petsmart that stated a free $4 toy with ANY $15 purchase. As we had just purchased a $69 grooming package, we picked out a toy for him. At the register we were told that the problem was "grooming was not included". Hmmmm....the few exclusions listed at the bottom do not include grooming services. 2nd issue was we had a 20% off any salon (grooming) service coupon that was good thru 8/16/15. Problem with this one was it did not start until 7/31. Today is 7/30. Hey we're old retired peeps who half the time aren't even sure of the day of the week, less more than the date. The whole idea of a coupon is to get a customer to use your service. Not send them away with a bad last impression.
Bottom line, while happy with the groomer and the job she did, not happy at all with the checkout issues. Will rethink where to take Buddy next time.