Was in LV visiting from out of state. Had my eye on a particular IWC that I was trying to get my hands on and a budget to pick up a nice new watch. When I arrived I felt very judged, which is understandable when dealing in high end timepieces, but it was clear I was judged on my age and not by what was on my wrist.
This last summer I traveled from Venice to Rome and everywhere in between visiting at least a dozen boutiques/vendors and never have I been so unimpressed with a salesman... I was greeted by a gentleman who ended up being the most condescending and sorry excuse for a salesman I've ever come across. I was dumbfounded! He acted as if no one had ever looked at one of their pieces for more than a minute before making a purchase! I was the only customer in the shop and it was hours from their closing time so it's not as if he had other pressing matters to attend. Originally I'd been looking for this particular piece on a bracelet, but one riding a leather strap was presented to me. While pondering which I'd prefer and asking my girlfriend's opinion he somewhat jokingly suggested I purchase both, to which I answered with the fact I had a budget set out (for just one). He must've taken that the wrong way, because he pulled both pieces from in front of me and put them back in the case WHILE I WAS STILL LOOKING! He gave me some very condescending financial "advice" and essentially sent me on my way.
There are subtle ways to lose a sale and there are just plain stupid ways to lose a sale, you can decide on which category this situation falls under. If you're under 30 and/or have a budget for one watch don't even bother stopping in.
Worst 5min in a vendor! Took my business elsewhere.