What is better than "Totally Satisfied"?
Maybe, "Awesomely Outstanding" --
Well, I just got back from getting that Awesome Customer Service at DTS on Flamingo.
As you may know, they will check the air in your tires and fill if necessary -- and it is Free (even if you did not buy tires from them). So after one of the tires repeatedly lost air the service tech who filled it up said, "the tire looks good and should not be losing air -- so let us remove and inspect the tire." I waited in their waiting lounge and sure enough the tech came in and reported that the tire was defective on the inside and Discount Tire replaced it with a new one. No hassles -- No Cost. Amazing, This remains the Only Place to get the right price and the Best Service. Bravo Discount Tires !! (I only wish that other businesses would take a lesson from how these guys conduct business.)