I have been here twice and for the most part I have had a lot of fun. A few things you should know beforehand. First, go earlier in the day if you don't want to be absolutely destroyed by teenagers; especially if you have younger kids. I took my girlfriends six year old daughter and she had a hard time competing with teenagers who would shoot her relentlessly for the points. After the first game, I got her to follow me around and she did a lot better (Perhaps they felt differently about trying to pick on someone who is 6'5 and 250 Pounds and I could explain to her how to play). Secondly, it helps to have an understanding of how the game works. Most people score a lot of points because they can hit all four bases of the opposing colors. Even if you only have two teams playing, there are three colors and the other two colors opposing bases can still be shot. (I learned that after game 1). Despite some of these issues my girlfriend's daughter still had a good time and the staff did a great job of catering to her. They also try and break the teams up so it wasn't us against teenage laser tag assassins. Kudos to them for that. All in all, it was a good experience.