HORRIBLE!!! HORRIBLE HORRIBLE NASTY IRRESPONSIBLE COMPANY!!! I was scheduled to transfer from Vegas to LA at 1:45 AM, then another transfer to Anaheim arriving at 11:00 AM. Upon arriving in Vegas, we were informed the 1:45 bus was COMPLETELY CANCELLED. No explanations, apologies, or compensation. It's just cancelled. I was forced to reschedule for a 7 AM direct bus to Anaheim, which not only makes me 2 and a half hours late, but also means I am stuck in this miserable terminal for FIVE HOURS. I cannot express how disgusted I am. If you can't keep your bus schedules, don't run a bus business. This is royally uncool, and as a longtime member of the press, I'll be doing everything I can to make sure Greyhound gets the bad publicity they so richly deserve.