This place completely sucks. I stopped by there for lunch one day during work and all I can say is don't waste your time. I got the lunch "special" which came with two slices of dry, tasteless, rancid pizza and a small soda for $8.00. First off, you call that a special?! Stop by Mama Mia's or any other pizza joint and you'd get the same thing for $4.00. What a rip off! Then, as I was ordering I asked for side of ranch and that was an extra .50 cents. Okay, whatever, I always think it's chincy when they charge for ranch but who am I to complain right? So out comes my pizza on two different plates with two sides or ranch which were both measly plastic packets of Heinz ranch - not even fresh homemade ranch or out of a refrigerated bottle at least! No surprise that the ranch was sour and spoiled!
On to the pizza - the crust was cardboard and tasted like stale sour dough bread. I'm surprised I didn't break my jaw trying to chew it. The cheese was congealed and rubberized. As for the sauce, well it would of been nice if there was sauce! The little sauce that was on there probably came out of a can or a plastic packet just like the ranch. I can tell you with 100% certainty that NOTHING here is fresh. The icing on the cake was when I went to refill my soda to wash down this awful meal I just forced myself to consume and I see that they charge for refills! What a surprise!
Next time, I'll go behind Chuckie Cheese and see if I can find any pizza in the dumpster. That would be gourmet compared to this crap - and I could save eight bucks! Woo hoo!