| - If you build it, they'll come.
2012 and according to the Mayans, this is it! No mas! time has ran out! yep, I checked the calendar and is true, there it is, in plain decipherables, and no better time than now to turn an artificial grass business into a survival one, and even though I'm not a "sheeple" and don't believe everything I'm told, I plan to party like is 1999.
The store is pretty cool, is painted black and it has some torches at the entrance and a dinosaur on the roof, Don't know what the dinosaur suppose to mean, maybe the owner read the Mayan calendar backwards but Whatever the reason, it makes you look, and maybe attracts you into to the store... and once you're in, you had entered into a completely new dimension, a place of imagination and substance, of things and ideas, you had crossed into....the twilight zone!
As you walk into the store, you'll be greeted by professional zombie fighters that will explain the many kind of zombies that you may encounter, you'll can also watch on a store TV broadcasting news (fake I hope) about the world coming to an end or if you prefer you can watch a zombie movie and learn the many ways zombies are killed, take note and purchase your arsenal right there at the store.
You can find anything from buckets of freeze dried food to survival back pack kits, stun guns, swords, explosives and many other camping necessities. It was very interesting to walk around the store and go trough their anti zombie inventory.
You can also find other kind of services at the store like artificial evergreen grass or even sell your gold by the once, which makes me wonder, while some aimlessly people roam around the world preparing for Armageddon, someone else is planing for retirement..... as for myself, I'm as prepared as I can be, I have the only tool for survival I think I'll ever need.......a can opener. And while I'm not sure about the end of the world this year, one thing is for sure, zombies do exist!