Ventured here before going to the Ontario Science Centre. The place has a cute" mom and pop" vibe. It is VERY CLEAN inside. The food is authentically Hakka (heard the staff speaking hakka as well). Staff were very attentive and pleasant!
hakka chow mein - 3/5
mixed pakora - 4/5 (thought the "mixed" meant a sampler of the different types of pakora but, it really meant that they mixed up all the meats into the batter! Was a pleasant accident though! There is a minty, coriander sauce that goes with it...soooo good)
chili chicken - 4/5 (very crispy)
hot and sour soup - 4/5 (I ate more than my goood...and it was hot as the name implies...temperature-wise. My fault smelled so good. The cleft of my mouth blistered.)