I am going to preface this review with the fact that Boston Pizza in general is never a place for a stellar menu. I never look forward to going to one for cuisine.
It's sort of that perfect place for families. The food is bland enough to please any kid's pallette and they love picking from their own menu and then getting a dessert. It's just one of those places.
Any time I enter BP doors means either 1) this is about the only sit down place in town, 2) my kids have harassed me to go there for a while (they love it) 3) I feel absolutely indifferent to any place else right now.
As for my dining experience that night? I ordered chicken Sirachi pizza which was hot (per other complaints here) but I think they went a little too heavy on the drizzled aioli sauce. I had to dab some of it off.
The kids? They never complain about food there.
As for the server, he was good. Attentive, conversational and his timing was good.
I wouldn't shy away from this location despite the previous poor reviews.