dr gex unnecessarily induced me and i ended up having a c section. i was happy with his services thru pregnancy, but i didnt even get to my due date and he was ready to induce me for really no apparent reason, stating 'no progress' and insisted i come in like a week and a half earlier than my due date for induction. he instructed the hospital staff to break my water not even 12 hours after starting the induction [around 11am], and within 15 hours total insisted its time for a c section [3am next morning]. of course at the time i am heavily medicated and not even sure how much time has passed and hardly any memory of what stats they had previously told me such as dilation/effacement, etc so i did not argue it. overall, dr Gex induced me well before my due date, ordered hospital staff to break my water very quickly and didn't allow me even 24 hours to labor before ordering a c section. and now i am pregnant again having ungodly lower back pain and im about 99% sure that it is due to having an operative epidural improperly done at least twice prior to my c section that was ordered unnecessarily. of course dr gex didnt himself administer 2 epidurals on me incorrectly, but had he not insisted on the operation i wouldn't have been administered 2 epidurals incorrectly before it was finally placed correctly the third time before the operation. while his pregnancy care was great, i decided that i don't want to take my chances delivering with dr Gex again so i found a new provider.