I suffer with chronic pain I've had a 3 layer cervical fusion and chronic lower back pain which he claims shouldn't bother me. But it does. I also suffer from anxiety due to severe pain n anxiety my pain has been trickin to keep under control. I'm currently pregnant which they have been seeing me since i was 3 months every time I go she Rhonda nor Daniel take the time to listen to what I'm saying just a quick they no what's best without even looking over my basic info in my chart about other mental issues I suffer with. Rhonda went so far yesterday to call all my doctor which she is not even one to tell that I had a benzo in my system but all my other doctors know I have severe anxiety n dealing with the pain n pregnancy is triggering a lot of different emotions including depression. Thanks Rhonda for trying to make me feel so low because ur incompetent staff can't even read the basic info in my file. This has triggered a wide variety of issues where after seeing my perinatal tomorrow I will be going to a attorney for medical neglect n malpractice. I wish I was able to leave a review but was unable to. They do not listen exactly to what ur saying they take pieces of what ur saying and think they knows what's best. Every appointment she double books so I get 2 min to cram in a 2 weeks worth of problem that don't even get heard. I'm currently going thru withdraws she knows about being pregnant n all she cared was to call all my other doctors like I did something wrong with a script I've already had. Now she has put myself n Babi at risk knowing my meds runs out in 2 days. I recorded most of the office visit so she fully aware. If u can find another place please do they think they know what's best for people n they don't we are all just a money source.