Thought we'd pop into this place since there was quite a crowd inside and out. Must be good coffee! Service was good considering the number of people waiting. The coffee was unfortunately poor according to our tastes as people who drink black or with a touch of heavy cream. The beans in the grinder are light and dry as opposed to rich, dark and oily. Never mind that...the saddest thing of all is that when we asked for unwhipped cream for our long shot americano, we were told they had 'no whip cream'. I felt that I had been misunderstood so I asked if they served espresso 'con panna' (topped with whipped cream). Again..'no'. We began to leave and we thought we would ask the nice young man who had helped us first. He said they had none so I asked what was the heaviest milk they had and....(drum roll please) he told me it was....3%!!! 3% folks in a place that claims to be a cafe or coffee house is quite simply unacceptable. Perhaps he meant, 'today'. (We have owned and operated our own successful coffee house in another country).