First things first: this was my first time floating and I enjoyed the place. Clean enough and the staff is friendly.
-My girlfriend bought a Groupon and we discovered when we got there that the walk-in price was cheaper. My girlfriend said, can we just pay the lower price and save the Groupon for later?
Remarkably, the host (owner?) said no. Strange, considering this would effectively just be selling an extra normal-price visit and saving the Groupon visit for later. ¯\_(?)_/¯
-The maintenance of the place is wanting. There was a water cooler leaking onto the floor when you walk into the back, and the glued-on baseboards were falling off the wall in places.
-On the way out of the back after floating, my poor girlfriend slipped and fell on her butt due to the leaking cooler. Brutal way to end her visit, and of course if my girlfriend weren't a complete sweetheart, the business could have a real mess on its hands over this. The host was vaguely apologetic, but if that had been my business I'd have tried a little harder to make amends.
-No good parking options.