I have known Dr. Harper since about 1982 when he helped me get my spine back in alignment and remove the pain I was in. I had spent 18 months in pure agony with sciatica down both of my legs. Conventional medicine had done nothing to help me. In fact, one local spinal MD told me to "get used to the pain-you'll have it the rest of your life." Thank goodness I could not bring myself to believe him!!!
Dr. Harper is one of the most caring, ethical, responsible chiropractic doctors you could hope to meet. He is not trying to sell you his services twice a week for the rest of your life. He doesn't charge extra for massage, working with one of their machines, etc. And if he thinks you need to see an MD for something that he thinks needs further care, he will say so! He is a religious man. Perhaps the other reviewer needs to allow that all Americans have the right to free speech.