| - Wow! This place has heart & they shouldn't be attacked for their efforts. It's not the Taj Mahal by any means: it's a safe haven for abused, unwanted, or "once upon a time" neglected animals....Now, with that being said, the sanctuary can't run on love alone. They need funds to keep it a float and instead of being negative & complaining-maybe you should make a difference; get involved & do something further to help improve the needs of these cast-away creatures & your community. I recently moved here a few months ago & have visited the wildlife rescue a few times. The very small handful of volunteers they do have work hard (giving their blood, sweat, & tears) with no profit to be made. I applaude them.. Maybe the ponds are discolored, some birds plucked their feathers due to stress & the pigs have a fowl odor, but simply ask the question, "if there's something you can do to help?" I have donated funds, toys, & simple items to the santurary in the past & next will be my TIME! Like all successful non-profit organizations; passionate volunteers & charitable contributions are the HEARTBEAT to any animal welfare group. Keep up the good work! I found the animals to be cared for in the best conditions they could be-with the "means" you have to work with... May you be blessed with motivation to continue & the resources to meet those needs! Thank you for simply giving a damn.. not to mention: I love your antique burros, stray blind cat, and your birds that poop & talk with attitude!