Stayed at the LVH for a work event with my hubby. Tatuado was a last resort restaurant because there aren't many dining options at the hotel. Arrived about 8:30pm on Saturday night and the place was completely DEAD. Food was okay. Drinks were good. Weird deco/theme going on-- it is Vince Neil's resto, so there is rock decor-- pics and guitars on the wall-- but there is also tropical themed carpet, asian inspired chairs, weird vinyl over hard wood tables. More like a hodge podge of different restos all thrown together-- in speaking to our waiter the name alone has changed names/owners three times over the last few
years. Wow. So sorry to be so honest, but in my opinion it is very ugly inside and there is a disconnect between the overall theme (rock) and the decor. If I were Vince Neil I would not be proud to say that this is my restaurant. Overall, just plain weird. Would not recommend.