DO NOT GO HERE first off it is over priced the things that lizette teaches you are simple things that you can learn on YouTube for free. She's rude and just an awful human being. I took this class once and I called her ahead of time letting her know that I was going to be late because she had extended the time frame for the class an extra week and I had only gotten the time off from work for the weeks the class was supposed to be and she allowed me to be at that last class 10 minutes late so I show up at the time that we agreed upon and she would not let me into class because I was late even though she approved it. She is too concerned about her own looks ( if she were really a great makeup artist she would be able to disguise her huge fish eyes) and thinks that she is the best makeup artist alive. Please don't spend your money learning from an instructor who is hateful and jealous of her own students.