This optical office is the WORST. I scheduled an eye exam appointment and they failed to mention that their office was under construction and had temporarily moved locations - across town. I arrived at Costco on time and had to wait 15 min for someone to help me (had to take a number). When I told the lady that I had an appointment with the optometrist, she said "Uh-oh" and got on the phone. Not explaining anything to me, she hands me the phone - a lady who proceeds to give me directions to another location approx. 6 miles away. Again, nobody explains why I have to go to another location or why I was not told about this when I scheduled my appointment or during phone confirmation the day before. I was so annoyed, I decided to cancel my appointment and go somewhere else. The customer service here is deplorable. Even if not telling me about the location change was a mistake, they could have at least explained that and apologized. I can't believe they think its okay to waste people's time like that.