I wouldn't even give this a one star they label this saying it's a "couples show" but unless your lesbian or wanna see your man watch lesbian sex with two woman in a pool and 14 naked girls do not watch this. You will feel left out the three guys they did have one was a midget 4" he was a good acrobat the other guy had chains and whips and looked crazy physcopathic character who only came on stage twice and the last guy acted feminine. The entire time it's just girls and one guy and stupid threesomes at the end. This show was beyond disappointing. It really upset me how the host bashed woman. Rather than telling girls to love their bodies and small boobs she did a "funny" demo on how to create big boobs which was pathetic really. Save your money this isn't worth it it truly is not. Attend a show that's equal. Where you and your partner can both enjoy not one where girls are flashing their tittys asses making out in pools and moaning and your left there awkward only to enjoy the midget flying the entire two hours. I am not a dry boring person at all but there was no eye candy for woman. Two of the guys apart from the midget strutted in heels making out. I love gay people but this wasn't enjoyable for woman