I should give them 0 star if i could. Unintuitive system! When they say EZ Pass/ No Cash lane, it means for EZ pass people ONLY. I thought it was for either EZ pass and/or People with no cash. I went through that lane because i did not have any cash with me and other lanes said CASH. Later on i got a VIOLATION notice with $69.50!!! I would never go through that lane if it was not because of their non sensical and confusing EZ pass/ No cash signs.
When i explained this to their representatives, they kept saying that Ez pass means no cash. Yes, If a driver knows what EZ pass is, you dont have to remind them again that it is no cash and confuse other drivers, especially people coming from other states that have better system.
Last but not least, they only take cash. I wonder what are the cost of paying for those people standing there collecting cash and the cost of installing credit card payment system. I hope they will improve their system to accept cards soon. For now, if you dont have cash with you, they charge you extra $3 for "processing fee" and "convenience fee" for paying online. That is so ridiculous!
I know their system now so i probably wont be confused by them anymore but I write my experience here and hope other drivers will avoid being ripped off by their bad system