| - Hafa Adai
Maybe you heard of True Island barbecue then maybe also you heard it's just about the only Guam restaurant around. And if you want Guam then you got to go.
Having been raised there, I have fond memories of the island, and red rice is one of them. Other than having someone who knows the recipe (like a person from Guam) give it to you, it is that damn hard to get ahold of some. Ive tried making it, but forget it! It just tastes like regular rice that happens to be red(orange). It'd be easier to transfer a cake onto the judge's table.
They serve the type of food that makes you tell yourself to hold back. Prices won't break the bank, and no matter with what you choose, no worries; it's not a bad choice.
People are right. The owner is very nice and very accommodating, every visit is a welcome one.
It's as though you don't want the word to get out on this place, almost like a secret. A secret you share only with your closet friends, except that one friend that nobody likes(Bryan).
But you want them to do well and expand, it'd be great if they had another location, but until then, get a taste of Guam.