OMG...I HAVE to brag about Friendly Auto Center! I was having a problem with my transmission and was afraid to take my vehicke in for a repair. For one thing, I'm female, so the fear of being ripped off is high since i know nothing about car repair; and secondly, my vehicle is older than 5 years, past its warranty period, so I dreaded a big repair bill. I called on my way into work in the morning and Steve told me to bring it in right then! Since I can't live without a car, FAC hooked me up with an awesome rental for about 30% off the normal rate, and then called me a few hours later to inform me what the problem was AND that they had already called the dealership and found out it was covered by an extended warranty I didn't even realize I had! Badda bing Badda boom! They even gave me the dealership ' s phone number and a contact name! No charge. ..even though FAC added transmission fluid to get me to the dealer. The icing on the cake? The next day, when the repair was finished, I was even able to return my rental right there at the dealership when I went to pick up my car! Now THAT'S friendly AND trustworthy auto service...thanks Steve and Mike!