This chipotle is awesome. I have had easily a thousand meals from this location. Never once have i been sick or had any crappy food. Always amazing freshness and great flavors from the ingredients. They are also generous and not stingy like some bean counter locations.
My only suggestion to all chipotle managers in the vegas valley is, make sure the tortillas don't get overcooked. Speak with your employees. This valley is too dry to leave tortillas outside the bag, or to overheat them. Nobody wants to eat a dry tortilla that is flaking apart. The burrito has a blowout and wrecks a would be great experience. Once the steam comes out, the tortilla is ruined. They tear when trying to be wrapped and slow down the entire production line.
After literally watching thousands of burritos being made i can say that 6-8 seconds in the warmer is perfect. After that the tortilla loses all elasticity and its always a problem for the crew. The cost of this conundrum to the stores should be apparent.
Some reading this will know me by that comment. :) i try and help them out any way i can.