Casual. Multiple booths if you choose to dine in. Very clean and spacious. On the wall, there is a nice TV that usually shows sporting events.
We ordered a pizza with single toppings: Pepperoni on one half and sausage on the other half.
Sir Pizza's sausage is the small, crumbly kind. Similarly, the pepperoni is also miniature. The little cut up cubes of pepperoni and sausage crumbles were generously sprinkled all over the pizza. Remember Bagel Bites (those pizza bagel things from way way back)? They had the same exact sausage and pepperoni things. Sir Pizza tasted just like bagel bites too! What a throw back to my childhood days, when I would climb out of the pool and race to the table to devour snacks on snacks on snacks. Pizza bagels was always a summer day staple. The pizza here is also served with square cuts.
Order at the counter, which is the front part of the kitchen. They call you up once your order is out. Not a long wait. Self service (you pickup your own napkins, plates, drinks).
All I wanted was some pizza! Not only did I get that, I was also reminded of my Bagel Bite phase. I miss those carefree days where I did not have any real responsibilities (other than keeping my room clean, like every other kid). I have a fondness for the simple things in life. Sir Pizza is one of those simple things I appreciate. All they need is a pool, and Dexter's Laboratory (my favorite cartoon network show) on the TV and you have the ingredients to remake my childhood summer days :)