| - Holy shit, this place is a fucking joke. Been here twice, yet I've never had anything. But if you're into 105 decibel alarms, dirty, sticky tables, Magic Mountain-esque long lines, a staff of dismissive space cadet dullards, street narcotics pricing for what amounts to milk, sugar and a compressed noble gas, visits from the fire department and a strange breed of what can only be called sheisty-asshole scammer mathematics, then this is your Mecca.
Went one evening a few months ago. It was busy. My girlfriend and her daughter got in line while I went next door to AJs. I come back 20 minutes later, and they're still waiting for their "ice cream." Only this time when I walk in, there's an ultra high pitched alarm going off. Staff is doing nothing behind the counter. No explanation as to what the alarm is. I stepped back outside for another 10 minutes, and having had enough, I cut to the front of the line and got a refund, which was an equally painful process, since everyone working their seems to have no clue how to do anything other than stand around with a dumbshit look on their face. No hyperbole; I don't think I've ever encountered a staff so slow, unenthusiastic and incapable. Well suited for the TSA, I suppose. They make Walmart look like Saks Fifth Avenue. Fire Department showed up as we were walking out, hopefully to turn their hoses on the lemmings still standing inside that needed to snap back to reality and move on with their lives.
They ended up giving my girlfriend a few free ice cream coupons. FREE ICE CREAM COUPONS... FREE. No fine print.
She sticks them in her wallet, and we reluctantly decided to try again this past week. Same huge line, same lack of cleanliness, same shit service. She orders, only to discover that she can't use more than one in a single transaction, and they won't do separate transactions, so unless she goes to the back of the line each time, she cannot use multiple coupons. Talk about amazing customer service! I guess their rules are chiseled into a divine stone tablet that no mortal dare question. Uses one pass, pays an unbelievable amount for the other ice creams. Wait for nearly 20 minutes, and guess what? They shut down the line. Zero communication on why. After another 10 minutes, she rushes to the head of the line to get a refund. What a total waste of time. Funny thing is, after waiting another 15 minutes for the Rhode Scholar at the register to issue a refund, her name was called and her ice cream was ready (for them to throw out) as she was walking out. Awesome!
To top it off, after reading other reviews, I take a look at the receipt. Like others have said, they are fraudulently charging tax for the full price on free product. Last time I checked, 8.6% x $0.00 = $0 fucking dollars. I run my own business and give out sample product regularly, and would never think to charge a customer tax because you charge tax on the discounted amount, which in this case is nothing, and not the original price. If you had a coupon for $20 off $100, you pay tax on $80, not $100, right? They are clearly pocketing this money to cover part of these free ice cream coupons. I'm sending a copy of our receipt to the AZ DOR so hopefully they can stick in Creamisty's ass like they are with all their customers. AUDIT!
Fuck this place. Thankfully, there many, many, many other fine ice cream places in this area that won't gouge you for every straw-penny in your pocket and practice a little thing I like to call good customer service.