I've had Mac since long before they were popular and it has too often been my experience that most "Apple experts" are marginal at best. (One actually broke my computer while it was in for another repair!) Suffice to say that when Gadget Experts opened in my neighborhood I was cautiously optimistic. Not only do I have about a dozen Apple computers and devices for my business, all of my life happens to reside on one MacBook that gave me the dreaded spinning wheel of death. In desperation I took it in to Gadget Experts who, after an extensive diagnostic assessment, managed to not only get it back up and running but updated the long-outdated software. Hallelujah! I followed that visit up with three other computers, one of which met a dignified end. Fortunately Gadget Experts helped me procure another one at a very reasonable price yet superior in its capabilities. I've come to appreciate not only the witty repartee of Bojan, but truly relied upon their advice. They really listen to my concerns, answer my questions, and assess better ways to manage my technology so that I have the latest tools at my disposal and also within budget. They've been a godsend to me and a few of the folks I've sent their way. I guess the adage about good things happen to those who wait rings true, but in this case I'm sure glad it happened now. Thanks Gadget Experts!