| - Yes! Another awesome little brewery in the Eastgate complex. Not only is the owner and staff totally cool, they have great beer, a couple TVs and Nintendo. Yes, NINTENDO! Classic NES in all its 8-Bit glory with a great selection of games like Zelda, Adventure of Link, Top Gun, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Double Dribble and a bunch of others that I forgot.
Oh wait, I'm getting carried away, I'm supposed to be talking about the brewery...
Anyway, Bad Beat has a nice comfy layout and a well rounded beer menu to boot.
So on top of all the cool NES games and awesome ownership, their beer is pretty solid too. I'm already forgetting what I had but if I recall correctly, I had their Amber (Ante Up) which was pretty good but Ambers aren't my usual go to style so I'm no expert. Their Basil Pale Ale (Ace In the Hole) was definitely a unique offering that's worth trying, you really don't find many like this anywhere and it definitely has a profound basil flavor. Their Coffee Stout (Morning Payoff) which was definitely a tasty offering of the typical breakfast stout. Lastly, and of course my favorite, their IPA (Hoppy Times) which had a great little flavor that I enjoyed enough to snag myself a six pack upon leaving.
Unfortunately they were out of the Hefenweizen and their "Heater" Serrano Pepper Milk Stout release was the weekend following my visit so I missed out on a few solid offerings. Hopefully something will bring me back to the area soon so that I can further indulge in what Bad Beat has to offer, not to mention whatever cool concoctions they come up with next.
Suffice it to say, this place is a fantastic little brewery to have in the area and I hope they grow and expand so I can find a few of those beers sneaking their way back here to SD.