I showed up on December 30th with full intentions of buying a car. I figured there would be some room for negotiating since it was the end of the year and they would want to get some product off their inventory. I also was really excited to test drive some cars! I stated that I wanted a crosstrek. The guy showed me the car but didn't even open it up for me, let alone offer a test drive. He just started showing me the price, which was well above what any reviews said I should pay. I showed him the truecar prices and other reviews of what people paid and he just told me that their price is what it is. I think he figured I didn't know what I was talking about because I'm a young female. WRONG! Such a disappointing experience. What's worse is they are the only Subaru dealership in town, so now I either have to find a different car or drive out of town to get a crosstrek.